Hello, Friends!
I’ve been away for a few days, but for a great reason—an unforgettable trip to the Holy Land, Israel! I have to say, I was filled with excitement to explore a country that holds so much historical and cultural significance. Israel’s long history, marked by struggles and disputes over land, makes it all the more fascinating to see how it has endured and continues to be blessed.
Upon arriving in Tel Aviv after a day of travel, the very first thing I did was head to Jerusalem. There, we had the privilege of meeting a dear friend and guide, Alfredo Tor-Paz, whose knowledge of the city’s rich history was truly invaluable. I can’t thank Alfredo enough for walking us through Jerusalem’s ancient streets, where three of the world’s major religions—Islam, Judaism, and Christianity—peacefully converge.
Throughout the journey, I captured some of the most memorable moments, from the sacred sites of Jerusalem to the breathtaking beauty of Haifa, an Arab city home to the magnificent Baha’i Gardens. Below, I’ve shared some of my favorite photos from the trip, offering a glimpse into this incredible experience.
I hope you enjoy these highlights as much as I enjoyed living them!
Abaixo fotos de Haifa , uma cidade árabe, pertinho de Tel Aviv .
Ahhhh migos : rezei por todos! que tenhamos uma semana abençoada! Shalom! (paz) ahhh Friends: I prayed for everybody! have a blessed week! shalom ! (peace)